Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas Family!!

I hope the Christmas Party went well. Someone better post some pictures. I want to see all your cute faces. I heard that Mom and Dad were really surprised. Happy 40th M&D. Sure do love ya!!
Have a Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cutest Granddogs In the world

On Friday December 12 Gabrin went to Idaho
to get the latest addition to our family. Rocky!!
The cute little back fuzz. Buddy our 1 year old
lab is learning to love his brother. Gabrin got
Rocky from the same people we got Buddy from.
They are some people from his mission that moved
to Idaho. Buddy was given to us for our wedding gift
and we bought Rocky for our christmas gift this

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Purple Belt

Gage earned his purple belt in karate last month. Way to go bud.


Sorry all I'm posting at the moment is hunting. Just trying to figure out what I need to get caught up on posting on here..... guess we must not be doing much else these days....

Garrett's Buffalo Hunt

What fun all these guys had on this hunt. Thanks everybody for going and making it a wonderful memorable time.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!

Yesterday we got about 6-8 inches of Snow. Abby LoVeD it!! Her and Daddy were out playing in it by 8:30am. I peaked outside and they had built a little snow man, Abby had snow angels all over the yard and they were having a snowball fight.
I love to watch them have such a good time.

I love Christmas lights, it's to bad the paint job in the background ruins this picture!! LOL

Our Ginger bread house turned out so cute this year. Abby made sure there was a mail box in front and it had a chimney for Santa. I thought that was so cute, she did a fantastic job making them too!! Lance said it needed a wood pile by the door and ice cycles and I did the tree's and a wreath. We sure made a HuGe mess but it sure was fun!!

Lone PIne Christmas Parade

The theme this year was "Pets on Parade". Abby's preschool had a float and the kids look their stuffed animals. It was freezing cold. I should have dressed Abby warmer. Poor thing was so cold by the time she got off.

Merry Christmas!! She thought that was pretty neat, being in her first parade. It was a good one to be in. Small town don't have long parades.

After the parade we went to see Santa..... it brought back memories from Green River..... Do you see anything that would remind you of the fire house? Oh yes, the cheesy man next to Santa!! He scared Abby to death. She wouldn't go close to Santa because of "his helper". We got to the truck and she started to cry. She thinks she isn't going to get anything because she didn't sit on his lap. It broke my heart. I think every picture of us growing up in GR there is a guy next to Santa that looks just like that!!! Oh and the little girl sitting on his lap is Abby's friend Larissa.

After Santa we went on a hunt for a Christmas tree. Luckily the local True Value had a couple left. It really did feel like I was a kid again. I remember going shopping at the True Value after Santa at the fire house. It's sad that GR no longer has a True Value Store.
Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Erwin Family Hike

The goal of the day. However this picture makes it look so small...... it's not really. We weren't sure if Abby could make it however I think she out did Mama!!
Isn't this picture cute?

Half way there!!

Mt. Whitney is the tallest peak in the US and our goal is to climb it before we leave here. The trail is 17+ miles. There are so many people that climb it each year that you have to get a permit and they give them to you through a draw. So I hope we are lucky enough to draw out. Abby's to young to go, she's going to be sad.

Oh yeah, she made it and is VERY proud of herself. She kept telling me on the way up.. "I can do it Mama, I won't give up!" I thought that was so cute.


Miss Abby started preschool this week. Today was her second day and she couldn't wait to go. I let her pick where she wanted to have her picture taken and she said, Mama I love our purple door!! So we have to use it and then a HUGE tree out front of the school. She thought that was pretty cool. Her teach Ms. Katy seems to be nice, so we'll see how it goes! Can't believe she's so grown up!