Friday, July 18, 2008

Camping at Palisades

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Daring Kids

We have gone to this great out door pool a couple times this year. They have this high dive there. I don't really know how high it is but believe me it's high. I went off it & I just about turned around & went back down the ladder when I looked off the end. It didn't surprise me too much when Gage wanted to go off of it. But when Ali told me she wanted to go off it I said, "are you sure"? She said yes & off she went. More than once. She's my daring child. Thanks Kelli for showing us the new hot spot to swim.


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Independence Day Pictures

Miss personality, showing me some Hannah Montana moves!

Abby and a couple of her friends decorated their bikes for the bike parade. They were all so excited, it was really cute to watch. Abby is such a poser!! LOL
It's just not The 4th without WATERMELON!!
On Saturday we went out to the Ranch that Randy's living at, it's right by the Lake where the fire works were. We had an awesome view and of course I had to take pics of my girl before it got dark.

Isn't the Moon Neat!!

I took this the other night while watching fire works. I had been watching it and couldn't believe that I could see the whole thing through my lens. Doesn't it look neat?

Monday, July 7, 2008


Happy Independence Day!!!

I hope everyone had a fun weekend!! We sure did, I'll post some more pics later.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Champion Fisherman

Gage lit into a nice fish while we were at Otter Creek. We could tell it was a good one by the way it took his line a singing on the reel. Here's a picture of him working on getting it in.

Here's the fish in the water right before Garrett scooped it up in the net.

And here's the proud fisherman with his trophy. Our neighbor at the cabin had a scale that we weighed it on. It weighed just about 5 pounds and almost 20 inches long. Which is pretty big for a smallmouth bass. They were having a bass fishing tournament while we were down there fishing & Garrett read on the internet where it said they were catching smallmouth about 3-3.5 pounds. He beat them all I think. It is at the taxidermist now. He's so proud of it.

We also played in the water. Garrett & I skiied & the kids swam. It was a little chilly at first but after a little bit it felt good & cooled us off on a hot summer day.


Gage & Ali just finished up a 2 week session of swimming lessons. They love swimming & want to do more lessons. I think it's an excuse to get to go swimming all the time. They really love the water & learning how to swim.