Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's

Valentine's Day was a big day for Ali. She's had a loose tooth for probably at least a couple weeks now. Yesterday it got soooo loose that she couldn't chew on it any more without it hurting & it was totally crooked & just barely hanging on. Her teeth are so small that it's nearly impossible to grab them with your fingers. So Garrett got out the pliers. This picture was taken on Friday night. We tried to get it out then but she kept squirming & was just too nervous. She had us put a towel over her eyes so she couldn't see what was going on.

But yesterday she finally held still long enough for Dad to grab it with the pliers & get it out. Here they are with the prize tooth in her hand & a tissue in her mouth to apply a little bit of pressure.

Gage was excited she lost her first tooth too. As soon as it came out she was dancing around & sooooo very excited for the Tooth Fairy to come.

Here's the note Ali left for the Tooth Fairy. She even asked the Tooth Fairy to leave some pixie dust. When she woke up she had pink sparkly pixie dust in a bag under her pillow.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Gage & Dad the Coach

I didn't really get any good pictures this year. I guess I'm not capable of action shots. Anyway, here's one of him playing bball. #14

Winter Fun

Sledding with G'ma & G'pa while mom & dad were out of town.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

HaPpY BiRtHdAy GrAnDpA!


Conversation With Ab's

Abby and her daddy were talking the other night and I sat back and laughed.

Abby was playing "office girl"

L-So what does an Office Girl do?
A- Works at the office doing stuff.
L- Oh, how old are you?
A- Abby I'm 4 but I'm going to be 5 in a few days.
L- How tall are you?
A- I'm 40 inches..
L- How many feet?
A- I HAVE 2 feet Dad!! With a really dumb look on her face, like why do people ask me stupid questions!!

I hope that made you smile!! I had to get that wrote down so I wouldn't forget.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another Day in Lone Pine...

I've beening trying to come up with a cute Valentine for my sweet girl. I took her out yesterday and thought I would share this one. Doesn't she look so big. You'll have to wait to see more...

Last weekend Abby finally found a shed horn. She was all sorts of excited. It's a pretty good one for her first find. Way to go Abber Dabber's!!

On our hikes this pretty little plant gets all over us. It sure is pretty and very messy!