Friday, October 23, 2009


My poor Abby had to get stitches a couple weeks ago. She fell at school and since my phone was in the house and I was outside her teacher came running over. There is something about the panic in a teachers voice when she says you need to come get Abby she fell and is hurt your going to have to take her to the ER. YIKES, my first thought..... BROKEN ARM.... but nope she split her chin open. Much easier to deal with, I took her to the ER where they TRIED to get her numb, key word there is TRIED! She's is just like me in the fact that she never did get numb. She's one TOUGH cookie though. It had to have hurt when they stitched her up!! The Dr. only ended up giving her 3 due to the lack of numbness, I think it's going to scar but at least it's in a place that's not to noticeable. Man, I have one brave little girl!!


ALICIA said...

Holy frijoles where have I been. I had no idea she got stitches. Sorry!!