Friday, June 26, 2009

Goblin Valley

I took Jonah, Genacie, Savannah and Caylee to Goblin Valley! We had a really fun time climbing on all the Goblins and they were all really good sports about letting me take their pictures. We came up with some pretty cute ones I think!

As always, have to have a silly face picture!

We had to climb a big "green mountain" to find this tiny cave and Jonah said proudly when we got there, "This is so cool! I could live in here!"

I love this picture with their red faces after hiking around for a while. They were worn out and ready for water and grandma's house!


Gaylene said...

Looks like fun, I was telling Alicia I haven't been to Goblin since grade school. We should really go next time we are home. I'm sure Abby would love it.

Krista said...

So fun! I love that place. I think my mom's dad was one of the men who "discovered" and named it Goblin Valley. Pretty Neat-O, eh? Those kiddies sure do love you auntie Sheena! Miss you!