Saturday, May 16, 2009

Gabrins Turkey Hunt

We had a great time, hunting together.
Gabrin shot a huge bird. His beard was
9 1/4 Inches and the Spurs were 1 1/4 inches long. HUGE BIRD!!! Turkey hunting is one of our favorite types of hunting. Gabe made a great shot on this bird, shooting him at around 50 yards away. You can tell he has spent a lot of time hunting. He is very sneaky and knows when to let the bullets fly.


Gaylene said...

Looks like you both have good hunting partneres. Congrats Gabring on your turkey. I love that you guys are posting. It's fun to see ya on here.

Krista said...

You sure that's a bird? Looks a bit more like a small dinosaur! (you know they're saying now that dinosaurs actually had feathers. But little Gage surely knew that! Isn't he the expert?